The digital transformation is providing a qualitative leap in the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises through the incorporation of analytical tools, Bigdata, IoT, virtualization, etc.
In this process of digitalization, the datacenter play a crucial role, to be the basis on which hold all the necessary infrastructure that stimulates this growth. This forces to a redesign of the CPDs, which should equip itself with the necessary intelligence to its optimum performance.

What advantages does integrate intelligence in your datacenter?


  • Promote the instrumentation and process automation. Both elements allow to optimize the use of the CPD,improving redundancy and availability, reducing time of latency and therefore optimizing efficiency and performance of the Data Center..


  • Provide physical security. The implementation of Systems of access control at the data processing Center allows you to provide an exclusive and personalized access to employees for the management of certain cabinets. Similarly, the inclusion of IP video surveillance cameras allow to give a plusfor security, using the display and recording of all the movements that occur with in the cpd.
  • Minimise energy consumption. The optimization of energy consumption is the key to reducing costs, therefore, a DataCenter must have a physical and electrical infrastructure that will help to reduce consumption. You should pay special attention to refrigeration systems, to the design of the cpd using cold corridors and hot, the detection of heat sources and even the use of external conditions through the heat exchange with the outside.


  • Optimize implementation times. The inclusion of wired smart within the CPD facilitates the work of implementationof new services, as well as the optimization of the time dedicated to the maintenance of the infrastructure.

Wired smart. A critical element in the datacenter that must be made to value

Physical infrastructure constitutes a fundamental element for the proper functioning of the CPD.
Intelligent structured cabling allow provide connectivity to the CPD and offer a correct management of the network,schedule tasks, as well as identify incidents. And all this under a simplified and efficient management.
In addition, new standards of transmission speed of 100 gigabytes and 40 gigabytes is obligated to a redesign of the cpds towards the implementation of wiring pre-assembled incopper and fiber that meet the new standards.
In conclusion, having a Smart Data Center allows businesses advance their digital transformation ensuring efficiency in their internal infrastructure and promoting sustainable and scalable growth over time.

INSTEL has a long history in the optimization of CPDS, as well as in the implementation of structured wiring intelligent for large and small corporations.

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