Are smart devices smarter than the security of your network? Do you have the right tools to defend against security flaws?
Today’s companies have adopted the idea of connectivity from anywhere and at any time, but they often ignore the need for secure network access control.
Ask yourself the following: What is in my network? Can I limit mobile devices without limiting productivity or increasing security risks? How do I unify external and internal security tools?
Join us next Wednesday, March 4 and discover with Aruba Networks – Hewlett Packard Enterprise and INSTEL how to improve the comprehensive security of your company.
Meeting place: Auditori Room. Camara de Comerç de Barcelona
09.15 Accreditations
09.30 Welcome and presentation of day’s session. Ricard Vallespí. Cambra de Barcelona. Manel Martínez. Instel.
09.45 How can Instel help you protect your business network? Justo López. Certified Information Security Manager. Instel.
10.15 NAC The network access policy management tool. Ángel Domínguez. Senior Presales Engineer V-Valley / Aruba Networks-HPE
10.40 Coffee / Networking
Sala Auditori. Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona. March 4, 2020.